Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 4 new town new house

Woke to Brian looking out the window asking me if he is ever going to see a cloud again. He was so cute.
He seems so confused on why there are never any clouds in the sky. But then again it's sunny California.
We are both loving the fact we can wear our hair down with out the fear of humidity making it frizz.

The weather is perfect cool in the am and pm and in the 80's almost everyday.

Brian made me coffee and I made sausage breakfast sandwiches. Upon eating breakfast we had great entertainment. Our room mate Eric who is a lil older and an interestingly weird but nice person was trying to fix a kitchen drawer. He asked if we had a screw so brian went to our tool box and found one. After that Eric put on his safety goggles and I figured he was going for a drill but to my surprise he grabbed a screw driver. Why in the world would you need safety goggles to use a screw driver is beyond me. But safety first I guess. I looked at the clock it wAs 11:11am. We finished breakfast and did the dishes and went to enjoy coffee on the front porch. When we came back Eric was finishing up and I looked at the clock again. It was 12:30 I was laughing to myself. It just took him over an hour and almost a half to fix the drawer and that was just from when I woke I can only imagine how long before we woke that he could have been sitting there trying to figure it out.

Now it's time to lay in bed,be lazy, maybe unpack a few boxes and put clothes away. But for the most part I plan on being lazy today. The drive and hanging out with our new room mates is taking a toll on me. I'm not as young as I once was and feel it. Tonight is going to be movie night and go to bed early night.

Sent from my iPhone

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