Friday, August 31, 2012


Good Morning. And Welcome Back ......
Ah yes We Survived the Night in Beautiful LAS VEGAS!!!

On the way out of town i took B down to Old Vegas and by Pawn Stars which had a line too long for us to care to stop. 
On our way out of town I allowed my life to complete another circle of the past as we drove by 
The Graceland Wedding Chapel. 
Yup Thats where I got married its not as pretty durning the day. 
Well Lesson Learned Thats what happens when you wake up in Vegas 
Well not this time. But you know what I'm saying. 

Time to allow the past to stay in The Past and time to move Forward and make new memories 
But first lets enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Mead.

The Power lines approaching The Hoover Dam are Crazy 
But make for Great Pictures. 

It was nice to be able to share the View of the Hoover Damn with My little brother. 

It was 107 Degrees out Which is no Monkey Business If you ask me. 

It was a little too Hot to walk around the whole Dam So we settled for this view.

B and i had fun discussions about how one side if Nevada and the other is Arizona. 
And according to the signs each side is in a different Time Zone too. 
Its also crazy to think this Dam was built by People hanging on wires . EEEKKK a little to scary for my liking 

upon leaving the Hoover Dam we crossed back into Nevada and then back into Arizona. 
AHHH YES another state closer to Family. 

B got bored of the desert roads and the heat and decided to take a nap. 
Lucky me he didn't mind me blasting music .

This is what the view looked like for most of the day through AZ. 
B kept asking ARE WE IN THE DESERT?

After a few hundred miles of I-40 East we made a turn off towards the Grand Canyon
With a pit stop at where else
The Flintstone Camp Ground  

Here i decided to trade my brother and my car for this Dime of a ride. 
Hopefully this Stone age Log car will get me home faster. 

Just kidding. I didn't trade my brother. 
A few miles farther down the road. 
The giant hole in the ground created by UMMM A RIVER?

We even got lucky enough to see the elusive PANDA that i hear there is a one in a million chance of seeing them. 
Living life on the edge is a little scary.
Especially when its on the edge of the Grand Canyon, 
This is my new fav pic of me and my lil bro. 
Yup i ruined it by being goofy but i still love it 

What a view it is so grand that i can't get it all in the screen of my iPhone. 

So please enjoy smidgens of pics . If you have never been here i suggest you go and see it in person it truly is breath taking. 

After viewing the canyon from many different view points We went on the hunt for the Very Very Elusive Squirrel 
This sign is the only sighting we had of such a creature. 

But we did get lucky enough to see ELK. 
B swears these are big Deer 
He found out different when they started making noise and being protective of their young and lady 

There is a reason They say DO NOT APPROACH THE ANIMALS
Maybe its cause they are wild and those huge racks on their heads can hurt you. 

After nature watching and getting some exercise running from animals 
We decided to CAMP at the Grand Canyon. 
So being very very un prepared for such a decision we went and picked out an open camp ground in the Dark 
Went and found some kindling And one used Log In an empty camp sights fire pit and decided why not see if we can make a fire. 
So with combined efforts We were very successful
And all by the light of random glow sticks i had in my glove box. 
B asked why i keep such odd things in my car. 
But then again right now i have Littlest pets shop toys, Plastic indians, Glow sticks and Half of a Halloween store in my car. 
You never know what you may need and when. 
I am always prepared to kill boredom 

We got my tent out of the car. 
And upon my belongings being placed in my car upon moving out of the house in Portland 
All i remember is someone saying
"Why are you taking your tent, DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO SET IT UP?"
HAHAHAHA  Of course i do and i loved using it last night. 
Yes that little tent sleeps two very comphy. 

Later on in the night B and I took a walk through the woods in the dark and found more wood.  and made an even more epic fire. 

I kept telling B I was sorry i didn't pack dinner and i didn't have Beer or Booze of any sort 
But it would be the most memorable SOBER Camping trip of his life. 
We stayed up laughing and being silly playing with glow sticks. 
He kept throwing them in the air and my space cadet self kept swearing i saw a shooting star but then again the moon was so bright it was hard to see many stars. 
Around 11 PM we climbed into the tent and passed out .
Time to get some rest so we are ready for what ever kinds of adventure we may find tomorrow. 
We are hoping to take the 10 hour drive to the middle of no where Texas Tomorrow. 
Thank you for following and we will be on the look out for These Elusive animals till we meet again. 

Till NEXT TIME......


Thursday, August 30, 2012


Good morning and welcome to Our Road trip adventure. The fun begins here. 
This is what you have been waiting for The south bound trip East and many adventures along the way. 
A little over a year ago I took you on a journey WEST on I-80 to many amazing places now its time to go east again. 
Its funny cause upon ending up In Huntington Beach CA and updating my 1 Blog upon arriving 
I mentioned i wasn't sure if i was ready to sit still and Wanted another adventure. 
Well careful what you wish for. 
After a few mishaps in Life Here I am 
East bound and down, loaded up and truckin',We're gonna do what they say can't be done.We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.

LOL sorry i had to. 

BACK TO THE ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We woke around 8am after a fun night in LA. to a nice calm mild breezy California Beach Day. 
I figured before leaving California my brother had to See and Touch the Pacific. 
This trip is going to be magical cause i am a firm believer that more people of younger generations need to experience more of what this country and our land has to offer there is so much beauty out there and everyone locks them selves in the house and watched the world through the TV. 
Well not i said the cat and its time to share things i love with my little Brother. 

B and I headed to Huntington Beach to go play in the ocean. 
Yes i know i still have a hurt foot but that doesn't matter to me right now.
I have to share these things with him. 

The ocean here in Cali is a lot colder than back home in NJ but so much prettier . 

This pic is B's first time in The Pacific Ocean. 
He said it was a little too cold for him but still refreshing. 

I of course couldn't resist the urge to hop on in latterly. 

We got to watch the surfers take on the morning waves. 
This little blonde boy is actually an actor/singer
I didn't feel like waiting around to get a pic of him out of the water but recognized him as he walked by 

After a trip to the ocean We headed back to pack up the car and get ready to hit the road. 
A pit stop for B to try In & Out Burger 

Then off we were. Onto the open road. 
Into the 105 degree desert. 

Upon driving on the 10 on our way to go see the Dinosaurs From Pee Wee's Big Adventure
We say this storm off in the distance. 
I didn't know what it was besides Um Rain. 
Well it turns out I drove us right into a Monsoon. 
We pulled off our exit and it started to rain so i saw a few cop cars up at a gas station so i pulled up to ask a question. They said the storm would blow over in 30 mins but stay in doors or in the car. Well OK. 
So I got back in my car just in the nick of time. Just then lighting struck right next to my car and the winds kicked up Palm Leaves and branches started hitting my car and we started rocking.
We were looking out the window and noticed the roads were flash flooding as it poured like nothing i had ever seen before. 

I had video But for some reason it won't post to my blog so Im sorry. 
In about 30 minutes the storm died down and B and i looked at each other nd started laughing that he can now say he has experienced and lived through a monsoon. 
From there we continued down the road to the Dinosaurs. 
Yup these were used as a location for a Peewee Herman Movie. 

I look like a goof but T Rex is huge. LOL 

After being silly and taking pics with the dinos 
We Continued on the road and went through the Wind farms 
Yes they harvest WIND here. 
It is about 4 mines of just wind turbines. 

After a quick right to go north again we headed into the desert and what looked like a scene from The hills have eyes. 

My little Matrix has been a champ in the 115 degree heat and driving 8 hours a day. 

Through um yes you guessed it a whole lot of nothing. 

"We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert, When the Drugs began to take a hold of us."    LOL NOT REALLY BUT I HAD TO USE THAT LINE FROM FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS. Cause We were in BAT COUNTRY .
If you have never seen that movie than we probably shouldn't be friends. 
Back to us and the road trip now. 

We passed some Roads that i would almost pay someone to tell me how to pronounce the names of them  

It was nice to see a freeway again and signs of civilization considering we had driven 268 miles and could probably use a little gas. We pulled off in a small town called Baker and EEEKKKK 
Gas was a little more than i had expected but we had to fuel up to continue on. 
Shortly after we crossed into Nevada and counted down the miles to 

We Checked into CIRCUS CIRCUS 
I sort of like the creepy clowns and the $20 hotel rooms. 
Took B out to an all you can eat buffet complete with cotton candy 

We went and saw the sights 
Of the water show 

At the Bellagio 

Wandered by Paris 

Watched the Gondola's at The Venetian 

Played a few Penny Slots and Lost it all. 
Thank god our gambling Limits were $20 each. 
So losing it all isn't that bad when you didn't have much to start with 
But it was a fun night all in all. 
I am the worst gambler cause i don't give myself enough $$$$ to play with to really chance winning or losing too much. 

I had to apoligize to B that we didn't have any crazy stories like from the movie THE HANGOVER 
Mainly due to the fact that we each only had 1 drink all night in VEGAS. 

But then again after my last time in Vegas I think a mellow trip was just what the Doctor ordered on this one. 
I mean Last time i was in Vegas it resulted in a 3.5 Year long marriage. 
I knew i wasn't ending up married again but I'm sure dad would have been mad at me if B ended up married this time. 
So we headed back to our Room early 
and got a good night sleep so we could get up early and Have more adventures the next Day. 
Sweet Dreams and Thank you for following. 
I wonder what kind of excitement tomorrow has in store for Us. 
Till then track us with the little dot on the map above. 
It moves multiple times a day when i have reception and push the button. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Morning and welcome to the beginning of my daily adventure update. 
You will notice the little dot on the map above will be moving every day to update our location and speed we are traveling at. I will also be updating every day Wi Fi permitting. 

Well lets begin And i apologize that today's is a little short but its just going to get better from here on out. 
Life has taken me to some strange yet amazing places since my last update. 

I swear my life has gone in 6 years of circles in 1 month. 
Ive ended up in happy places 
Ive ended up in places that I had wished i would never end up again. 
And have still learned a valuable lesson from each situation. 
After my last update I received a call from an Angel ....... Well Maybe not an Angel but Damn close. 
My friend Jenn called  asking where i was staying until i left town. 
My only answer i could give was Um everywhere. 
That wasn't an answer she was happy with and offered me the most comfortable bed in Southern California to lay my head on for a Few Days. 

I am so grateful .
And at the same time I got to spend time with Her too. 
Below is a picture of Jenn and I From our adventure to the mall where we discovered FREE PHOTO BOOTHS AND FREE SNOW CONES, Oh and FREE LUSH SAMPLES!!

I am so grateful on so many levels. 
Not Only did Jenn and her wonderful husband Matt welcome me into their home 
But they offered me some amazing advice, amazing company, and so much more. 
Thank You Jenn and Matt you two are Beyond Amazing. 

While staying with them i spent much of my spare time Plotting My Route Cross Country that I planned to take with my brother B. 
Dad and B had given me a small list of places That looked on the way that B wanted to check out on our way back east. So this is sort of what our Route is going to look like. 
with a few random stops along that solid line that looks like we aren't stopping for fun much. 
But trust me Fun is on the agenda every day. 

Here are some of the main attractions we plan on checking out On our drive across. 

While plotting my trip I figured i should Make sure my Car is Ok for this journey
As well as say good bye to some Friends before i leave. 
So i drove to the middle of no where 

Got my car a snazzy little Oil change and made sure her fluids were OK. 

My car was Gifted New shoes. 

You may ask yourself who in their right mind gifts Tires to a car? 

Upon going to Lunch with an old friend who I haven't seen in 4 years,
I found out that his beloved girlfriend Layla had passed away about 6 months ago and he was just  getting back out and about in the world.
I used to help Ed take care of his girlfriend who was Ill 
I would drive out and spend time with her while he had to go to work. 
All of that aside. 
Her time had come way too soon and its so sad
But I'm proud he is slowly becoming ok with leaving the house and accepting the fact that it was her time.   

It was nice to chat with Ed over lunch and take time to remember good times with Layla.
Ed was very very sad to hear i was heading back east but told me he understood and knows i will keep in touch as i have over the past 4 years of being in NJ. 
He said he hope i make my way back out to Cali in the near future. 

After Lunch Ed asked how my tires were.
My response was the guy at Jiffy Lube says they look fine. 
Ed took a Peek and turned and looked at me like i was crazy. 
He didn't say anything besides just follow me. 
So with out asking questions i did. 
Below is 

OLD       VS       NEW

New shoe day is always the best. 

After getting new tires i raced back to Long Beach to go get my brother FINALLY!!!!!!
B got in 1 hour after sunset.
I was hoping he was going to get to see the sun set into the ocean but an hour late .

Once picking him up We headed straight to LA for dinner.
Starting the night out with a Huge Burger for him and some Cheese Squares for me. 
AT The Rainbow on the Sunset Strip. 

After dinner we took a stroll down Sunset Blvd together 
Wandering by the 

A few Pot Stores. 
But yes they are Real. 

Then The 

and then 

And a few other key places. It was a fun little Hobble/walk

From there we headed over to Hollywood Blvd Walk of Fame. 
We wandered Giggling about people who had stars and how they got them. 
B still wants to know how they figure out where your star goes and

We also found Glenn Miller's Star. 

I took B over to The chinese Mann Theater 
To see where The stars have their hand and foot prints. 
B liked Clint Eastwoods. 

It was a fun night of Being tourists on a short  time line.
I wish i had like 2 more days with him in LA.
There is so much i want to show him that i love about Los Angeles. 
But for Now  
Off to a decent nights sleep so we can hit the road tomorrow.