Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 2 , 2011

So it is official I have a job. I didn't want to speak too soon. But I just got the email that I start work tomorrow. I will be working retail at a cute second hand store in a close by town. The owner is amazingly sweet and my manager is younger than I but seems cool. The staff seems like fun social group of people. I'm excited. I get to work with fashion again. There is a chance I will be buying for the store soon too. It's a god send that this job came along cause I was about to lose hope. My pay is reasonable and the hours are easy to digest. I will probally be working weekends but the more hours the better in my mind.

On another note

Dear California
Why all of a sudden am I allergic to you. Maybe if it's just this town and the dusty dry hills. My eyes feel like waterfalls have moved in and are crying tears of nothingness. It's not making me happy. I wish the evil allergies would go away so I can wear make up for my first day at work. I wish I could take allergy meds. But I'm sort of against putting such chemicals into my body.

It's starting to get lonely in this house filled with other people stuff.
Our room mates Ed and dawn left yesterday for a 10 day trip back to Michigan where they both grew up. It's weird here with out them. Our other two room mates are still here but they hide in their rooms for the most part.

Last night for the first time in forever Brian and I curled up on the couch and watched a movie. We rented true grit. Great movie and I adore the maturity vocabulary and determination of the little girl in that movie.

I feel bad for our house cat Loki who is so confused on where his mommy n daddy went and why he was left here with us. He's a cute cat but not very affectionate. Sad panda I want kitty cuddles. but atleast he's amusing. And I'm sure he's happy we let him out of his room.

We almost ended up with a pet dog last night. Yes here is another example of how random pets find me. We were sitting on our front porch around 9pm and a shadow walked by, Brian asked if there's a puma in our yard and I stood up and a beautiful yellow lab came running up. It was cute n friendly and very well groomed. I knew it had to have a home.
We walked the dog up and down the streets till we found someone who knew where the puppy lived. I was sad I wish we could have kept the puppy.

Well it's time for bed. I will update more later. Till then good night

Sent from my iPhone

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