Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to square one.

Back to square one but with a new direction in life.

So I'm sure everyone wants to know how the new job is going. Well I thought it was going ok for the 3 days I worked, but I guess I wasn't a good fit to say the least. I feel a store should be clean and not have dust bunnies on the floor. I was taught to keep a spotless shop. I was there to work not to make best friends. I would have also preferred more hours but was willing to take anything offered. On my 3rd day I was cut first due to lack of customers and too many girls on shift. I got home and received an email to call the owner. From the phone call I got the feeling she was looking for me to give my resignation . I'm taking it as a sign that it is time to move on. Literally.

I sent a response email the next day and very politely gave my resignation and requested my pay be directly deposited in my account. I know there are better things and jobs that await me in life.

After figureing out that there was no more pay check holding us here, Brian and I have decided to start packing our stuff up to get ready for what ever may be next.

We can't keep walking circles in this house we are like caged animals. We are on the virge of losing our sanity.

Our room mates Ed n dawn are still in Detroit. Creepy time Eric is still here but Is too anti social to hang with, trust us we keep trying to be social with him n he runs n hides. And the other room mate who is pretty chill tho has been hiding in his room for the past three days. I think he's playing world of war craft in there.

We have had time to reflect on past decisions that probally should have been thought out better. We are beginning to see thru fronts and see true colors of many people n things Our eyes truly are being opened to alot of truths we didn't see before. This has been a huge learning experience for both of us. Merlin the wizard back in new hope PA once told me that Brian and I are going to grow up alot together and I now see this. We are both becoming extremely grateful to have each other. And I'm still learning that I can not save the world as much as I may want to.

Ok now to figure out what is next. Portland Oregon was the original plan but we lost sight of that when we were promised rainbows n sunshine n all that fun jazz here in Livermore. Maybe we need to go back to the original plan. Which was we wanted to move to Portland Oregon.

After making a phone call to our amazing and sweet friend Danielle in Oregon, a plan started taking form.

Brian and I have been doing research on rental rates in different areas of California and Oregon. It seems that if we stay in California we are going to either need to depend on having room mates and never get to experience a place of our own. We would also need to work strictly to afford the roof over our head. And even still there isn't enough mass transportation for Brian to get around. Then we did the math and realized, If we move to Portland Oregon it seems a lot more reasonable as well as affordable. The transportation system is easy to figure out and takes you everywhere. We have a handful of great friends in Portland, there are mountains for Brian. An art scene for me, as well as industry and city.

So Portland it is. And it has to be soon so we have the funds to do so and we have to give the landlord notice of us leaving before rent is due. Thank god for month to month leases.

Now to figure out how we are going to do this. One liscense a car and a uhaul. I can't win. A quick call to mom And it seems more cost friendly to pay to ship our stuff thru one of the long haul companies she works with.

Brian keeps telling me to hurry up and come up with a plan. Not as easy as it sounds but a miracle happened and we figured one out.

We decided to ship our stuff out on a Friday so since we can't go mia till after Ed n dawn get home this saturday the 10th of september. We have plans to spend time with my friend brandon on 9/11 for the 10th anniversary of that heart breaking disaster. We also need to head into Oakland to say bye to my old room mate n some good friends.

But its offically in stone September 16th is the last day we will be in Livermore. I dont know the times n legistics yet, but will figure it out in the next 8 days.

Sorry everyone but we need to do what is best for us. I'm excited to drive the 5 north to land I have yet to explore. I can't wait to see what is north of San fran. I also get to add crater lake in Oregon to my places I have been.

We also decided since the original plan of driving cross country included a stop at Yosemite. Tuesday it's a date. We will be Yosemite bound to see the sights, escape from mobile media as well as be in nature again and clear our minds.

Now that we have a plan once again it's time to escape this house for a lil. Brian called a sweet lady we were introduced to named cayman. She was heading down town for a drink or two so we figured why not let's escape the house. We went to a place called palomonies cute lil dive bar with cheap drinks and your allowed to smoke at the bar too. I had two mini bloody marys and figured since I had to drive that was enough for me but we hung out well past my two drinks. We were introduced to a lovely lady named jess who cayman is friends with. We chit chatted all night. It was actually really awesome to hang out with other intelligent independent ladies who I had a bit in common with. It felt good to laugh and smile again. It sucks that we met them as we are leaving town. But even they said we should do what is best for the two of us. And I have to agree.

I must say I'm super excited to finally be able to apartment shop with my husband and the thought of unpacking , decorating, and having our own space to call home excites me.

Ok enough rambling for now and I'm sorry if I type in circles.

I would like to say one more thing tho.

Recently I was asked if there was anything I haven't done in life.
I'm sure there is plenty but what comes to mind right now is I have yet to write a book. I have yet to live in my own space with my husband. I have yet to go to Many national parks. I have yet had the chance to set foot in Alaska, Hawaii , and North Dakota. and many other things but the ones listed above I plan on checking off my list in the very near future.

Oh and one quick question. Should I continue my mileage count from where my odometer is from the start of this road trip or should I reset it and start from scratch? I will also be posting budget again so you can get an idea of how much has been added in gas, post cards, and national park fees since we will be adding about 1000 more miles onto this trip due to the short notice change of plans and move.

Till tomorrow hope your having a great day. Expect daily updates again.

Sent from my iPhone

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