Saturday, September 1, 2012

DAY 3 GRAND CANYON to TEXAS (A lil silly)

Good Morning. And yes we are up early. 6:30 am to be exact. 
AFter a wonderful sleep in my cozy tent we woke at sunrise to hit the road and make some miles. 
Well with a few adventures along the way. 

Thank you Gina for sharing the above Pic on my FB page Sorry i had to use it. 
But this time I'm not climbing any moutons but i do plan on taking some side roads that lead to the unknown. 

B and finally made it back to I-40 after a quick stop at Starbucks. 
Quick note. I used to complain about there being so many starbucks but I'm so grateful for them on this trip. Good Iced coffee and FREE WIFI to update my blog. 

ON THE ROAD AGAIN............

After looking at a whole lot of nothing on I-40 we decided it may be cool to take the main vein of america and see what remained of it. 

QUE MUSIC!!!!!!!!

So we went and got our kicks on route 66. 
Heres where it gets a bit fun yet goofy. 
Two Guns is a ghost town on Route 66 

It has a lot of old abandoned adobes and all kind of interesting things to explore. 

So here we decided to prepare and wait for the Zombie Apocalypse 
Well you see i had a gas mask in the car and have been wanting to take pics with it so when better then now in the middle of a ghost town?

But as we waited all of a sudden the ZOMBIES emerged from the ground. 

It was pretty scary i tell you. 
Almost as bad as THE HILLS HAVE EYES.
Which so isn't a zombie movie but this location looked like one used in that movie. 

Ok sorry i got carried away with my imagination.
Just trying to make a little fun out of a long long ride through the desert. 
We made it to HERE!!!!!
and we found IT........???????

To be honest there was a whole lot of nothing out there by this sign but we found it what ever it is. 
B and i spent most of the day discussing different features of the land and random things as we put many many miles behind us. 
And finally crossed into 

Once in New Mexico The Rock and Earth all turns this Red color its actually pretty cool. 

We also hit some stretches that looked like this where you just stare off into nothing and get lost in your own mind. 

Since I-40 zig zags Route 66 there were all kinds of cheesy pull offs to rekindle conversation even if you did a quick drive by. 

Just when we thought things were getting boring the moutons started doing strange things that made B question how did that happen.
I wish i had more answers but it was fun taking far fetched guesses of how the earth came to look as it does in these places. 

Like this spot for instance. 

Everyone keeps warning us of this hurricane that is moving up the middle of the USA.
Please stop I don't care. 
We survived a Monsoon and Rain just about every day on the road so far. 
B is so confused on why it rains every day in the desert during the dry season 
And why there are lakes out here too. 
I keep trying to tell him its all a mirage but he swears he felt the rain and is too smart for my jokes. 

So the rain passed and blue skies opened up ad he started seeing more and more Plateau's 
all i keep thinking of is the Nirvana song 


Don't worry Im making sure we eat healthy 
Well maybe not but an apple a day keeps the Dr away right?
We should be good for 3 days in that case. 

Our goal today was to cover as many miles as possible considering B has work on Tuesday and with the side adventures to Vegas and the Canyon we are a day behind schedule. 
So we agreed we were Pushing for texas if it was the last thing we did today  

We officially have driven 1000 miles which is a bonus and means there are only 2000 miles of this trip left. 

We drove into the night just trying to escape New Mexico
And the moon started to rise and it was so big and FULL.
B says it was a Blue moon. 
This was the best Pic i could snap while driving. 

Just after 9pm We crossed into Texas and Lost an hour of our life. 
Crossing into the central Time zone. 


We made it to the Border of AMARILLO Texas and decided since we had been in the car for over 12 hours that maybe we deserved a Drink and a snack and found an Applebees which was the only place open at 11:30pm . We each had a drink and shared some cheese sticks and chatted the night away talking about all kinds of stuff brothers and sisters chat about. 
Life, Relationships, Family, The past, Present, and Future. 
I really appreciated this time with him. 
We laughed a bunch Oh and I even got to smoke Cigarettes In the bar too. 
Yeah i know completely off subject and you thought i was going to get all sweet and sentimental 
Then i come out with that,

After a few glasses of water and a lot more chatting we decided to head over towards the entrance of the Cadillac Ranch so we could wake as the sun rose to have an epic start to the day. 
Upon arriving we were greeted by Optimus Prime who told us it would be safer to nap in the Loves truck stop parking lot then By the Cadillac Ranch entrance so we listened ...


So we wandered over to the RV Park to turn around 
Only to discover the earth had eaten the RV's too. 

Once at the Loves rest stop lot we got comphy 
me in the back seat him in the front .
We got our blankets and headed off to dream land. 

Thank you for dealing with my silly post today but some days you just have to have fun 
And As much fun as our pictures we have been posting on Instagram make this seem
B is learning that some days you just have to pick up miles and amuse yourself the best you can 
To make the trip and the day what you want to make of it,
And Laughter helps everything. 

Well its time to see what today has in store for us. 
So Till Tomorrow Thank you for following. 
Please feel free and go back and read any past posts i have loaded.
Till tomorrow. 

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