Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Operation Righteous Cowboy Lighting

I apologize for the delay in this update but it was a rough 2 days of driving. 
Lets just say i should have taken up a career as a truck driver with the amount of hours i put in on the road.
32 Hours driving in 2 days. 
Our Righteous Trip through cowboy country turned into a lighting fast trip through the rest of the states. 
But still B and i managed to have some fun along the way. 

So where did i leave off. 
I believe B and i were crashed out at the Loves rest stop 
Near a field in the middle of texas awaiting Leather Face from Texas Chainsaw Massacre to.......
 Um no that was a dream 
well at least the leather face part was. 

We woke around 8am him in the front seat and me in the back. 
We were glowing with joy cause we each had a can of spray paint and the sun finally came up
And we were at the FAMOUS Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo Texas 
Cadillac Ranch is a random Field in Texas where the owner of the land decided to have a bunch of old Cadillacs buried nose first in the ground and they allow people to spray paint them. 
Below is a picture of the Cadillac Ranch

B and I had a field day me with a can of black paint and B with a Green can. 
And of course The monkey mask had to come with us too. 

B and I had a lot of fun climbing on the old Cadi's 

We left our mark on each and every one. 

I couldn't stand to pass up a photo Opp while there 
I have more pictures than i know what to do with. 

We spent a good Hour just monkeying around 

B showed off his skills. 

I relaxed and enjoyed the moment 
We ended up giving the remainder of our cans of paint to 2 ladies who kept mentioning they wished they had stopped at the home depot to pick up cans. 
Upon leaving we realized there is a whole lot of nothing in Texas though my mind kept getting lost as we followed the trains. 
I may have gypsied around a bit in my day i have never hopped trains. 
I always remember driving this route and wondering what the country would look like with my feet hanging out the side of a train box car. 

Its nice to get lost in my thoughts but time to throw those out the window. 
If i thought i was getting too old to do a lot of the things i thought i still could. 
I am deff too old for gypsy train hopping dreams. 
Back to reality. 
It really is time for me to settle down. 
That being said. 
Oh look a telephone pole. The first sign of something out here in Texas besides steers and queers. 
Just joking but there really is a whole lot of nothing besides cows and fields. 

A little farther down the road we saw this huge cross. 
They say everything is bigger in Texas and oh my gosh this for sure is. 
We decided a pit stop was in order since we didn't know if we were going to see anything else that caught our interest for the next few hours. 

Turns out this pit stop was a religious rest area. 
They had the re enactment of the the stages of curifixation of christ. 
And all kinds of other interesting statues. 
Like the arch angel battling the serpent 

We went and joined Jesus in the Breaking of bread 

Then we hit the road. 
If you look to the right that one lane road is Old route 66 
And the double line road is I-40. 
B asked why they didn't just turn old route 66 into the freeway 
I think that would have been wrong but i guess everyone has their own opinions. 

It was 105 degrees out in the desert of texas 
and i was feeling goofy but cranky . 

Sooner than we knew it we crossed into Oklahoma 
We thought it would cool down there but we were very very wrong. 
My memories of driving through Oklahoma were usually sparrows flaying along side my car almost racing me. 
It was so amazing and one of my favorite memories of driving this route.
But considering i had never driven through This area in the dead heat of August i didn't know that it was even too hot for the sparrows to come out and play. 

Even though it was even hotter there but we still found the time and energy to stop and smell the flowers. 

We pulled off in Elk City at the Route 66 Museum 

Half the block was set up to Mock certain famous spots of the Historic Mother Road. 

I decided it was time to Play and be silly again. 
This time i was a good old cow girl. 
Helping out with a little farming 

Due to Old Route 66 and I-40 running along the main Train routes they had old trains on exhibit too. 

Howdy there This little straw hat sherif was having a fun day 

We also had the opportunity to go explore an old Tee Pee 
They are quite roomy inside, 
I love this picture below. 

most of the drive through Oklahoma looked like below. 
One side of the road looked like fall and the other summer 
I guess the sun only roasts one side of the road which is so weird to me. 

The clouds were fluffy and looked like smurf hats,

After a million hours of driving the whole way through Oklahoma we finally entered 
You guessed it. 

Here is where we get off I-40 and start heading north. 
Leaving the flat land filled with nothing behind. 

But were greeted by Rain and Rainbows. 

Remember that storm i kept mentioning that everyone need to stop warning me about. 
Well we found it. 
The sky began to turn weird colors and the clouds started moving Fast. 
B and I were on tornado watch and got a little freaked out. 
We called Dad for a weather update and the picture below was what he sent us. 

lucky us we didn't see any real tornados
As the clouds started to clear we pulled off to fuel up and got to see the most beautiful sun set ever. 

I decided to push on into the night as we passed Saint Louis which for some weird reason didn't have the Arch lit up. 
And we entered 
Soon after entering Illinois we realized that it should have been time for dinner hours ago. 
So we pulled into A CRACKER BARREL. 
I love Cracker Barrel
B and i both had a full meal. 
He got a steak and i got the 4 veggie side plate. 
Yum Spinach, fried apples, Okra, and carrots.
While waiting for our food we had more Brother and sister bonding chat and i taught B how to play one of the brian games they have on the tables. 
Once in a blue moon i can figure this game out but not tonight after so many hours behind the wheel. 
After dinner we decided it was best to push on and put as many miles behind us as possible since B had work tuesday which cut into our fun time. 
 A few miles down the road we pulled off for me use the rest room. 
B decided to stay in the car
I decided to give Dan a call on my walk across the lot. 
As i approached the building i noticed a sign that said rest rooms closed. 
I had waited so long to pull over getting back in the car was not an option. 
I turned around to continue my conversation on the phone and had the day lights scared out of me as i thought what looked like a statue in the bushes on the side of building made a noise. 
So here i am on the phone, In a dark parking lot with a ton of trucks pulled over and I had to pee and was freaked out by the guy sleeping in the bushes with his feet up on a box. 
I ran back to the Car to get B .
I approached his door and opened it and scared the heck out of him cause he didn't expect me to open his door. 
He jumped and i looked at him and told him this was going to be a weird question considering i was his sister but 
I asked him to come walk into the darkness with me and stand guard so i could pee behind a bush without having an encounter with a homeless person or an animal. 
Still on the phone B walks over into the darkness with me and stands guard. 
On our walk back to the car me and B were both filled with giggles. 
As Dan was probally wondering what was wrong with me as he listened from the other end of the phone while sitting in NJ. 
Just then i heard what sounded like birds chirping and i looked over and asked B why are the birds out in the middle of the night. 
He laughed and said I don't know. 
Just then i looked up and there were a ton of Bats swarming above our heads. 
I began screaming and jumped in the car still in shock. 
B began to laugh at me and i completely forgot i was still on the phone as the laughter from the other end of the line began to ring in my ears,
Not only was i scared of the Dark, The homeless guy i swore that was a statue and now Bats 
Tripple fail for me on many levels. 
Below is the best picture i could get of the swarm of bats in the parking lot. 

After that weird incident we hopped back in the car and continued driving into the night. 
I pushed myself as hard and as far as possible and pulled a 16 hour day driving
and covered a whole 915 miles. 
As the map shows below on Route 1 

I was so beat after that many hours behind the wheel we decided to just crash in the car.
So i turned off the car reclined the seat and passed out.

Day 5
We woke around 

With a mission in Mind. Escape the storms and make it home it was the last thing we did. 
We pushed off into the storm 

Crossing into 

Finally things started turning green and the rain slowly stopped. 
And the fields filled up with Life. 

Indiana didn't take long to drive through. 
But was a nice change of scenery 
As we passed into 

B swears Ohio Looks just like PA. 
Usually i stop in Ohio to see friends but this time we just kept on trucking 
Giggling when we passed Xenia and a tressle remembering the movie GUMMO

The skies turned Blue and we were finally able to roll our windows down. 

After a few hours in Ohio we crossed into 

It started to feel like we were Flying through the states like lighting 
You know its so wild and wonderful and it takes 30 minutes to drive through. 
B celebrated when we hit the PA state line. 
He said finally Home. 
I laughed and toke him this was the biggest state we drive through. 
He mentioned that he really wanted to see what was west in the state he lives in. 

It was getting Late and we were only in the middle of PA. 
Both of us were getting tired and we had only been on the road for a straight 12 hours only stopping to get gas and pit stops to pee. 
And we still had this far to go

i looked over at B and told him to please tell me a story.
He said he didn't have any.
So in turn i picked up my headphone for my cell and called Dad and asked him to tell me a story and he said he didn't have any. 
I hung up with Dad and called Dan asked him to tell me a story 
He said hold on. 
I told him do not go grab a harry potter book. 
He told me i know him too well. 
He told me hold on again and i handed my brother one of my head phones and dan started reading us the Grinch who stole Christmas and Mad Libbing it. 
This was great any ideas of sleep had just turned into Laughter and giggles. 
I finally made it to B's place around 11pm. 
He was so happy to get home, shower and have a beer. 
We hugged and said our good byes. 
I told B he should adventure down to NJ to see Dad and i in the near future. 
He said since I'm home he will try to. 
I love my lil brother and am happy i got to share this road trip with him. 
Even if the last two days were a little stressful with us pushing the hours in the car and on the road a little far. 

As for me i still had 2.5 hrs on the road 

As i hit the road i followed my GPS to get back to the freeway since this was my first time to my brothers apartment and the town he lives in. 
back onto the Dark Dark freeway picked up the phone made a call to MOM and Then DAD 
And finally called Dan to stay on the phone with me to keep me awake for the rest of the ride. 
Finally i crossed over the Deleware river and saw this sign

I had never been so happy to see that sign. 
about an hour and 30 minutes and i finally made it to The house. 
I was so weak and beat from the drive i almost collapsed upon getting out of the car. 
Dan helped me walk into the house 
And to my surprise he had gotten Balloons to welcome me home. 
He is too cute and sweet. 
I was way too tired to show my appreciation

All that was on my mind as wrong as it sounds was food, Shower, SLEEP !!!!
It felt good to be home and it felt good to feel safe.
I am so grateful....
I ended up sleeping most of the next day 
Ive been in a weird daze feeling like I'm living in a dream 

Im slowly waking up from that daze as each day passes
but to say the least its great to be close to my family and friends.
Its amazing to have such a caring man that wants to spend time with me 
But Its still weird to be back in New Jersey. 
The state I've spent so much time running from. 
Its strange how my life keeps going in circles. 

Im sure my life is about to get interesting and yet amazing on so many levels. 
This road trip has opened my eyes to a lot of things. 
Mostly that everything in life happens for a reason and no matter how much you may not like it at the moment that event is preparing you for something so much bigger that has yet to come. 
I would like to apologize but for about a month i am going to be taking a break from updating my blog. 
Its time to let my foot heal up and relax and get back to work. 
My next Blog Update will be in a month or two and i will post the link on my FB page when i decide to post it. 

Till next time Thank you for taking the time to read 


TO BE CONTINUED................

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