I took a leap of faith, moving 3000 + miles from all i know. I drove west into the Sunset to begin A New Life. I Started this Blog july 2011 so You could follow me along this journey to a New Begining. I have and will continue to share happy times, Hard times, and the many struggles I go thru along the way. Trying to figure out what is next in life, I welcome you into my mind, heart and Adventures of life. I wonder where life will lead me next
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Going away party.
The afternoon started out with a few unexpected surprises. I never in a million years would have expected my little brother B n his sweet girlfriend Alex to show up n be 2 of the 1st ones to get here. Surprise #2. Was our friend Nate coming down from mass for the party. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, n our many many friends made the night.
The night was filled with great food, amazing people, 50/50's, good music,Laughs, n yummy drinks.
At one point we even had live music around a fire.
Words can't describe how thankful I am to be blessed with such a great family n friends here in Nj.
I just realized I can't load pics to my blog when posting thru my phone so expect a second post later tonight of tons of pictures. There are too many people to individually name and thank here but you all know who you are.
But I do have to add a HUGE thank you to my mom and stan for throwing us the party at their house and working so hard to make it a special day for Brian n I.
I'm off to get some rest before the big drive Monday.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Last day in Roselle.
Spent most of the day relaxing just soaking up our last day in Roselle. My awesome friend Janis stopped by for a lil baking of some yummy cookies n we ordered the largest pizza we could find. Ps Brians favorite food is pizza. If I'm correct it was a 2 foot pizza. Then a lil rest n relaxing while munching on cookies n watching tv. We went to bed early n go figure we woke early too.
This morning was a lil strange. Coffee with nan and leaving her a list of emergency numbers filling out last min papers. Then we cleaned up what's left of our room that we are leaving behind. Packed up the rest of the car and said our good byes. It almost brought a tear to my eye saying good bye to her. In the past 2 1/2 years that I've been married to Brian I have become close to her. I have been thru alot with Brians family.
Brian took one more stroll around and said good bye to his childhood home. And off we went. Good bye 822 Amsterdam it's been fun but it's time for us to fly away n try our luck at life on our own.
Now off to pick up a few friends n head to moms for a night full of friends, family, and alot of fun.
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Friday, July 29, 2011
also thank you Courtney for coming up with your truck n helping us load n palletize
and last but not least a cute snap shot of the lil matrix. And a big thank you to my daddy for helping us load the trucks n palletizing oh and for being extra careful driving my car
it was an interesting drive to the dock my dads gps nicknamed "Maggie" took us in a few circles. But we made it there to meet the awesome crew who is shipping our stuff west. Time to load the pallets.
It amazed me that our stuff fit on 3 pallets. When I moved back from cali 2 1/2 years ago by myself I had 6 or more pallets of stuff and I guess I down sized to the point that now both our lives equal 3 pallets.
Ok pallets r loaded and paper work is filled out. now back to DMV . Hoping things go smooth after a few phone calls. I got to DMV to discover no long lines so weird in Nj. I walked up n the lady remembered me and everything went smooth. $60 later I had my important papers. Score one for me.
After that it turned into a night of good byes. We headed to our friends house for some of the best veggie tacos ever. Adrienne I need that recipe that was so Yummy. Then we got to hang out for a Bit N say bye to 2 of the most amazing kids I know. We love these two. It makes me sad to not be around to see them grow up but take my word when we come home for holidays we will make it our business to come visit them.
Dear faith n Ariana we will miss you more then you know and expect lots of post cards.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Waiting Game and too many Thoughts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tieing up Loose Ends & Routing our Trip
Next on the list to do is to figure out how to kidnap courtney and take her with us.
13 years of her going MIA from my life and im scared of that happening again.
Shes like the sister i always wanted. And i just got her back in my life.
Ps shes going to kill me for using this picture of her hiking. But i like it cause she looks like she belongs
on survivor.