Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why Hello There Sorry For The Delay In Update
But Im Back with Lots of photos and adventures to share.
Alot has been going on, and i have been staying busy.
Im Still searching for Employment.
And Living day to day but adventure and fun have found me again.
So this makes me happy.

My friend Tiffany got  tickets To the Cavalia Show that is in Town For those of you that know what it is i am posting the preview video for it. Below. Please enjoy

This was a very exciting day for me.
What an amazing show.
And Im beyond grateful that Tiffany choose me as one of the three friends she choose to take with her to enjoy this show.
Below is a picture of the big top the show was under.

Im putting this ticket in my photo album.

After the show Me Tiffany and her friend from college went for SUSHI!!! 

Now when i say sushi you think Oh My expensive. But here in Portland if you go to the right place its actually quite reasonable and is priced by the type of plate your food is served on.
I also owe a huge Thank you to Tiffany for treating me to an amazing meal.

This stack of plates n bowls were our combined dinner which came to a whopping $24
Im such a cheap date. lol

After Dinner we decided to wander up to the lil shopping area and wandered into LUSH my new favorite store. They sell soap and bath bombs and all kinds of amazing expensive Bath and body stuff i cant afford and from what i understand its all natural and organic which is pretty amazing.
I love going in there and smelling everything.
Im hoping for a lil lush love in my Christmas.

From there we wandered over to my favorite unique dark art store called cannibal.
They are never open when I'm over there but i love looking in their windows to see what kind of weird stuff they have on commission in there. I snapped a pic of one of the displays to show you the odd stuff they sell.

I have been saying i wanted to see the movie RUM DIARY for a while.
And as we walked by the mission theatre and discovered they were playing it.
The Mission theatre is so cool. You can see a movie for $3 and drink beer and eat pizza while watching your movie in an old theatre

Turns out we walked in early and the movie 50/50 was playing and we asked if there was somewhere we could order a beer and wait for the movie n the guy said just go find a seat and come see me after this movie.
So we got to enjoy 1/2 of fifty fifty which was part funny but a tear jerker at the end.

Amazing Things happen when Tiffany and i are together and sometimes we laugh so hard my ribs hurt at the end of the night

The picture below has a story that still makes me smile.
On our way home we passed by one of the many unique public art sculptures down town. it is a big face in front of the stadium. We glanced over and the face had a sign hanging out of its eye.
She looked at me in a flash and asked "Is that a FREE No Parking Sign?"
I quickly pulled over and said no it cost $5 but if its not on a pole i guess its yours.
She jumped out of the car and came back in a flash leading up to this amazing picture.
All of this happened in a matter of 2 minutes.

Upon returning back to her condo we were greeted by hungry cats.

Her cats are awesome.

Now they say keep Portland Weird well i never seem to be at a loss of weird things to photograph that come with unique weird stories to go along with them.
The picture below was taken at the grocery store late late night.
In NJ they would have put a bell or made you go find the employee.
Here it is a squeaky toy and a note that made for such a fun picture.
The look on the rhino's face is perfect

The next day a box arrived in the mail from mom with instructions of
Brian says the smile on the box taunts him but it makes me happy that we have at least one present under the tree.

A few nights later Tiffany and I met up with Erica for some very tasty Vegan food.
The picture below is courtesy of Erica and her rad Polaroid camera and perfect timing.

The bars coasters were the talk of the night. We were trying to figure out what the images were exactly.
Erica's boyfriend insisted the one on the top was a tattoo gun.
The one to the left was an air conditioner
and the one on the right was a plainer for wood work.
I beg to differ but it was fun and kept me smiling and laughing

Later that night after Brian got off work we had to take a trip to the ER which minus the fact that he didn't feel too swell was a very pleasant experience. To say the least about the situation Brian had to have a wild hair pulled from his ass.
From the time we gave the lady his name n date of birth to the time we walked out of the hospital was 45 mins top.
After taking his name the lady walked us back and the DR n nurse were waiting for us in the room ready to help him. This is unheard of in NJ. They were polite, smiling, and even kept him smiling thru a painful procedure. He enjoyed his ER visit so much he gave the Dr n nurse each a loaf of Bread. I'm not looking forward to getting this bill for the ER but i guess if we slowly pay them off $10 or $20 a month its better than nothing. 
My poor baby does not look happy in this pic in the ER 

Next morning more Christmas cheer from mom showed up in the form of a box of Christmas ornaments for our tree. Tho the ginger bread man didn't survive the trip from NJ to Oregon. I did however glue him back together.
I thought the pic of him broken was pretty cool on my key board tho.

The next day Brian had off work and we slept later than usual and had to go get his meds the ER prescribed.
Upon dropping them at the store we were told there was an hour wait.
We decided we had a few dollars sent to us for xmas so why not treat ourselves to a bite to eat to make my hurt hubby forget about the pain and so he could finally try my favorite burrito place. So off we went for the biggest most reasonably priced DELICIOUS Burrito.

Eating only seemed to have taken a half hour if that and tried to decide what to do from there Brian asked since i had change from the $20 i pulled from the bank if we could go get VOODOO DONUT
So i decided why not we could save them for dessert later
All i can say is best donuts ever. I'm seriously in love with the Bacon Maple Bar.

Due to lack of Money and Saving Xmas Money for bills Ive been playing alot of Words with Friends.
To say the least i suck at the game but still love playing it. For those of you that don't know what it is,
It scrabble on your phone that you can play with friends anywhere in the world.
This game pictured below is me getting my butt kicked by the Nice guy Joshua who we met on our trip cross country at Rocky Mountain National Park.

Upon going down town to price something i wanted to pick up for Brian to open on Christmas morning I went by the Noodle house. Remember I mentioned they had the really cool Christmas Story Poster that i wasn't allowed to take till Dec 24th cause that's when the play is over. 
Ummm I couldn't wait.... It is officially mine now i need to find a frame for it. And in my defense it was on the public happening Board so it was free game cause it was next to the take one fliers. 
Even tho i look so guilty here. 

I found the books of stamps i had lost a few months back and figured since i didn't have money to buy everyone presents and mail them back home, Well guess what That's what Santa Tiff is sending some of you. 1/2 way thru i ran out of stamps and my hand started blistering and cramping and i gave up.
So if you got a card i hope you like it and it at least made you smile and if you didn't I'm sorry and i still love you. And i thought my mom had a long address well i think where we live now is even longer. Not fun writing our return address.

The next was filled with laundry and not enough time in the day to say the least.
From the time i woke to the time i went to bed it was non stop run run run.

Danielle was hosting the Exotic Final Showdown at Dante's.
I made a pit stop down to show support, Say hello, See some awesome performance's and meet some new people.
The nice lady who did the viking set was by far the best and it was so nice to hear she actually won and deserved it.

Danielle AKA Elle was adorably pregant up there on stage being witty on the mic between performances.
Shawn was judging and i got to hang out with ZAY and Brian Oblivion. We found lots of stuff to giggle about/ AND LADIES if you want to be a performer two things you need to remember #1 No Chewing Gum on Stage and #2 I hate dirty hooker foot. If your going to dance remember to keep your toes pointed. GGGRRR

But anyway back to pretty pictures and strange rambling words.

The most interesting NEW person i met that night was the white rabbit that was in an Alice in wonderland performance. The bunny was the best part of that set by the way.
The white rabbit was the highlight of my night.

got to love beer caps that let you play rock paper scissors.
I win. I cut your paper.

Upon picking Brian up at work he was very cheerful as he had received his first Christmas Bonus.
It was a $50 gift certificate for McCormick and Schmicks
So the next night Brian had off work we decided to head over and have a fancy meal on his company.
I had the Lobster Ravioli. It made me feel super fancy.

We even got a free dessert Rich Chocolate Cake with a Drizzle of Raspberry.
What a nice night out together.

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas, down on Peacock Lane.

So it turns out that there is a street here in Portland that goes all out for Christmas and if you live on this block you MUST Decorate big time.

Tiffany and I  went for a stroll to check out the light display.
I took some photos so you could enjoy them too.

You have to have a Grinch house.

Upon us taking the road less traveled and not waiting in line on the side walk

Hopefully Santa will grant my Christmas wish and bring me a Full time decent paying permanent job.
If not i may have to go bother the Peanuts gang for some 5 cent Psychiatric help.

Well i figured i would start with lots of happy pictures and stories of fun adventures and great friends. but now for a word of advice from learning the hard way.

So by any chance do those of you who have been following my blog for a while remember about 4 months ago when Brian and I bought that really nice expensive Bella-Pedic Memory Foam Mattress?
Well the beginning of this story is sort of Blessing in disguise, The rest was just a giant headache.

So on Brian's day off a friend of his called asking if he had a minute to come help him go get and  load a new bed into the truck then bring it into the house. So Brian said sure.
when all was said and done our friend was going to be getting rid of a metal bed frame. Brian mentioned that we needed one and next thing we knew our kind friend gifted it to us.

We got the bed frame home and flipped up the bed to prepare to set up the frame and wham we discovered this gross mess growing on our mattress and box spring.
Well it turns out that the guy who sold it to us was wrong Memory foam mattress' can grow mold.
And due to the fact that we did not have a bed frame the moisture was getting trapped and began to mold.
Brian lost it.
To him this was the end of the world.

I Called mom then called dad to get their opinions on what they thought i should do to fix this problem.
I know what kills mold but now to figure out what that kills mold does not destroy foam.
What a catch 22.
And below is a close up of this huge problem.

So upon a lil google searching and common sense i realized baking soda absorbs moisture and kills smell and mold so i sent Brian to the store to get 4 boxes of baking soda one by one. OOPPSS if your going to use dry baking soda it may help to have a vacuum which we didn't have.
I called mom to complain about this problem and told her how it sucked that i had to go buy one.
She told me to go to the Christmas tree and open the big box that was labeled
To my surprise it was exactly what i needed.
Thank You mom and Stad.

Bed was now dry and gross. I could see mold spores still on the mattress.
Like they refused to die and were giving me the finger and laughing at me.
I tried many eco friendly and Foam safe products with no positive results.
Finally i busted the one thing i knew would kill the mold out.
I am more worried about the foam but i figured how much worse could it get. The mattress is already ruined and I don't need to be sleeping on nor breathing in MOLD.
I called the company i even called the place in livermore California that told me 1/2 of the truth and all tried pacifying me with BS answers on how it shouldn't have done that and they will try to get it replaced.
(UM I'm typing this blog 4 days later and still have yet to hear back from one of them.)
I even emailed them pictures. not even a slight email back saying sorry .
So I busted out my trusty bottle of ZEP n sprayed a spot.
Well no smoke besides from my cigarette, no discenergration, and oh wait the black stain and spores went away. But there was this ugly Yellow Orange stain left behind.
I decided to continue to spray down the rest of the molded areas and see what happens
Brian was kind enough to pat down the spots to soak up a lil of the ZEP.

Well if i may say so myself It looks alot better. Not quite perfect but ....
No Black mold left behind is a good thing right now.

Time to absorb more moisture out of this giant sponge we call a bed. I first left more baking soda on the bed then vacuumed it up and now i just put 5 pounds of rice down on the wet spots in hopes the rice absorbs the moisture so sometime we can sleep next to each other in the bed together again sometime soon.
It really sucks that we saved all that money and bought that bed 4 months ago which is said to last 5-10 years only to have this happen to it.
As if the struggle wasn't hard enough before it makes me think we aren't allowed to have nice things either.
For now Brian is sleeping on the floor on a sleeping pad and sleeping bag and since I'm smaller i am sleeping on our love seat sized couch.
The bed seems to be OK for now but just needs to dry and i need to sew the mesh cover back on it.
I figure one or two more days till we can try putting the bed back together.

Sorry for the very very long Overly Photo Stuffed
Over Due Blog.
I'm off to try and get some shut eye Before i have to Go do things and live life.

I found the below Christmas Tree in the Beer Isle at the Grocery store and had to snap a pic of it to share.
So i leave you with this.
I Would Like to Thank You For taking your time to read my blog and for following us on our journey thus far. 
I honestly cant believe 2011 is almost over and cant wait to see what 2012 has in store for us.
I hope and pray every day that it is all good things to come. 
Christmas is this weekend.
I promise one more Blog post to come before we leave 2011 in the past. 
I hope you and your  Families Have a very happy holiday season.
As much as we will miss being home with our families for the holidays at least we have each other.

Tiffany and Brian.

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