Thursday, January 5, 2012

Not off to the best start But Welcome 2012

Well hello its finally 2012
and we meet again here on my Blog.
If you didn't read my last blog post go back and do so if you want an end of 2011 wrap up.
2011 is behind us and the saga continues.
Brian and i ended 2011 with a tasty dinner at Five Guys with the gift certificate Brian's boss gave him
and then enjoyed a nice drive home with a pretty last sunset of the year.

We decided Not to go indulge in any kind of Big over rated New Years Parties.
Tho i did find this funny as hell flyer for a fake party.
Tho it is so true

Instead Brian and I decided to take down the Ornamets off the tree.
I must say i cant wait till next Christmas to take these out and hang them again.

Awe look the tree is all bare just like when we got it.

Brian helped me take it down and bag it up to be put out with the rest of the trees for pick up
By the Garbage men

Brian's happy he got the corner of his house back but now it looks so bare again.
I wish we had a few extra dollars for a nice desk to fill that space.

This is the big mess left behind by the Christmas tree.
Not too shabby. I guess we picked a healthy enough tree that it lasted the whole month of December.

After the tree was down we hung out watching some TV just like any other day of the year.
We shared a few laughs and watched the ball drop 2 times on different channels.
Once on a New York channel, and the second on a local Portland channel.
Our phones filled with many texts and calls from friends and family from all over the country wishing us a happy new year.
I was in a very bitter mood.

I was trying to be funny n texted Brian Happy New Year and i got the below response Damn u auto correct.

Earlier in the day i received a small package from Janis that had a super cute panda shirt pictured way below and a pair of Vanilla infused lounge socks which Brian couldn't get enough of.
He said it made my feet smell the best they ever did.

Below is our official New Years Kiss.
My new years Resolution is to not stress so much and to have faith that things will work out and try not to complain as much.
I also want to try and smile and laugh more this year too.
Brian's new years resolution is in his words "Make more money and survive on our own."
And "Grow hair longer" I'm not even commenting on that.

After the clock struck 12 there was alot of racket outside lots of fire crackers,  fire works, as well as alot of hoots and hollers.
Just then Brian told me he wanted a Full Chicken and a full pizza as his first meal of the new year.
I told him hell no but i would walk over to the grocery store with him and will pick out something tasty to share.
So i Put on my Panda hat and my Panda Shirt and started dancing around the house growling like a mean bear and trying to be super cute at the same time. i believe i failed at one of those two.
and off to the grocery store we went.
After our eventful NYE and our trip to the grocery store we came home and ate our microwaved mini pizza and off to bed we went by 2am.

The next morning Brian woke earlier than he was used to and discovered the sun.
Its almost been 3 months since he has been awake and out and about during day light hours.
And may i add it has been very sunny the past 3 weeks here in Portland.
Brian was like a vampire upon opening the blinds.
New years day we hung out ate a nice breakfast straightened up the house and then Brian had to go back off to work.

On the ride back from driving him to work my throat began to feel scratchy and my head began to hurt
A quick stop at the store to get some very expensive meds and back home to hide under the covers
and try to get better.

Some tea some meds and lots of cough drops Just what the Dr ordered since i cant afford to see a real doctor. But our bodies were built to fight off illness right?

I decided since my throat hurts and I'm coughing up stuff that reminds me of the colors of Christmas maybe i shouldn't be smoking.
So i decided why not smoke my last cigarette so there were none around to tempt me.
And while I'm at it why not try to quit all together.

Good-bye cigarette you were tasty while you lasted
now to dump the ash tray

Then i decided maybe a nice hot PINK bath would do me a little good.
I love those bath bombs

Ive been sleeping alot trying to feel better and in my spare time Ive been getting angry at the fact that there are words on everything these days.

Yes you are reading the Halls cough drop wrapper correctly
Words of motivation on every wrapper.
I mean I'm sick not suicidal.
The one "You can do it and you know it"
Um i can do what Get better?
Yes I'm super grumpy due to the lack of nicotine but are these cough drop wrappers serious?

Upon waking the next morning to add to my sore throat, head ache, .
I had stomach pains and no voice.
To my surprise they also make Tampons with motivational sayings on them too. FUN!!!
This one says "Don't Cry get back in the game" wow words of wisdom from cough drops and tampons what in the world will they come up with next.

PS and FYI anyone who thinks my  new dislike for the smell of cigarette smoke and my sudden decision to try to quit may be cause they think I'm pregnant. 

With no voice it made it tough to speak and Brian gave up on speaking to me so i went to the freezer and got myself an ice pop and to my surprise the ice pop sticks have jokes on them.

They are cheesy but they made me smile
I also spent about an hour playing with my snacks too. they are my new friends that now live in my belly.
Since gold fish cost too much i got Whales from the dollar store they taste just the same and look super cute on my keyboard.

My buddy Josh has been keeping my mind busy trying to come u with bigger and better words in our intense games of words with friends. 
Its fun to play against him cause he keeps me on my toes. Tho i believe i won the game shown below. 

You didn't think i was going to leave it at just one ice pop joke did you?

Ive also been trying to eat the sticks but realized they give you splinters.
But the first day of no cigarettes i swear i tried eating my lip and oh my that hurt and still hurts.
I do not look cute with a fat lip from biting it.
But the ice pop sticks seem to be a good replacement for a cigarette for now.

Brian is mad at me cause i told him if I'm gonna try to quit smoking then he has to smoke outside.
This picture below is his idea of outside.
Yup standing in our kitchen blowing the smoke out the door.
What he doesn't understand is i can still smell the smoke in the house and its torture and with me not feeling good and knowing i shouldn't be smoking he wasn't making it easy on me.
He says he likes smoking and doesn't want to quit. 

I made it 96 Hours 47 minutes and one second before i gave in and smoked one.
But i still think its a start.
and the smell is still driving me nuts and they sort of taste horrible. so i guess only the days to come will tell how i do.
I figure if i don't buy them and barely any of my friends here smoke them then maybe i can start to drastically cut back and hopefully soon fully QUIT and still be able to tolerate being around other people who smoke.
and I'm going to continue to try to convince Brain to go completely outside and close the door when he smokes.

In other top secret news we have guests coming to visit on Monday.
Its a surprise for Brian who are guests are. But i guess they officially will make our first out of town visitors who are going to stay in our little place we call home.

Even tho i do not feel 100% better i now have a voice again and am no longer bed ridden and am now going a bit stir crazy and cant wait to get out and do something.
I have been filling out a ton of job applications online while sick and stuck in the house.
I swear Ive applied to about 40 places in the past 4 days and can only wish someone will call me back and give me a job soon.
I know its not even one week into the new year and something is going to happen soon i hope. 
For now I'm off to bed to get some more much needed rest to get back to being 100% better and able to go on a mission to find that job that is going to keep me busy, and happy. 
Till next time much love and hopefully i will have happier things to write about as apposed to me being sick and grumpy.  

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